\def\CC{{\mathbb C}}
\def\RR{{\mathbb R}}
\def\NN{{\mathbb N}}
\def\ZZ{{\mathbb Z}}
\def\TT{{\mathbb T}}
example 0.0.1
Consider the symplectic manifold \(X=T^*L\).
Consider a closed one form \(\eta \in \Omega^1(L, \RR)\).
Use this to create a Lagrangian isotopy
\li_t: L\times [0, 1]\to& T^*L && (q,t) \mapsto& t\cdot \eta_p
between the zero section and the graph of \(\eta\).
To each loop \(\gamma\in L\), look at the cylinder \(\li_t\circ \gamma:S^1\times I\to X\).
This can be explicitly parameterized by
c: S^1\times I \to& T^*L&&
(\theta, t) \mapsto& (\gamma(\theta), t\cdot \eta_{\gamma(\theta)}).
The cotangent bundle has an exact symplectic form, \(\omega=d\lambda\), so computing the flux can be simplified by using Stoke's theorem:
\Flux_{\li_t}(\gamma)=&\int_{c}\omega=\int_{c}d\lambda \\
=&\int_{S^1\times \{1\}}c^*\lambda - \int_{S^1\times\{0\}}c^*\lambda \\
So \([\Flux_{\li_t}]=[\eta]\in \Omega(L)\).