\def\CC{{\mathbb C}}
\def\RR{{\mathbb R}}
\def\NN{{\mathbb N}}
\def\ZZ{{\mathbb Z}}
\def\TT{{\mathbb T}}
example 0.0.1
Let \(V\subset Q\) be a smooth submanifold. The conormal bundle \(N*V\subset T^*Q\) consists of all covectors \((q, p)\in T^*Q\) with \(q\in V\) and \(p(v)=0\) for all \(v\in TV\).
This is always an \(n\)-dimensional submanifold of \(T^*Q\).
We can choose local coordinates \(q_1, \ldots, q_n, p_1, \ldots p_k\) so that \(V=\{(0, \ldots, 0, q_{k+1}, \ldots, q_n)\;|\; q_i\in \RR\}\).
In these local coordinates, \(N^*V=\{(0, \ldots, q_{k+1}, \ldots, q_n, p_1, \ldots, p_k, 0, \ldots, 0)\}\); which is a Lagrangian linear subspace for the symplectic form \(\sum_{i=1}^n dq_i \wedge dp_i\).
The intersection of the zero section and a conormal bundle is \(Q\cap N^*V=V.\)