
exercise 0.0.1

Let (Q,g) be a Riemannian manifold.
  1. Describe a metric on g:TqQTqQ on the cotangent bundle. In local coordinates (q,p) for TQ, write down the Hamiltonian vector field Vg associated to the Hamiltonian H(q,p):=gq(p,p):TqQR.
  2. Recall that a geodesic on Q is a curve γ:RQ which is locally length minimizing. In particular, it is a minimizer for the action E(γ)=12abgγ(t)(γ˙(t),γ˙(t))dt for every a,bR. Prove that if γ^:RTQ is a flow-line of Vg, that γ:=πQ(γ^) is a geodesic.
  3. Let n>1. Use the Serre spectral sequence for the fibration ΩSnPSnSn to conclude that H(ΩSn)Z[x]. Here, ΩM is the based loop space of M, and PM is the based path space of M. The element x is of degree n1 and is determined by Hn(Sn)πn(Sn)πn1(ΩSn)Hn1(ΩSn).
  4. Let n>1. Using the Serre spectral sequence for the fibration ΩSnLSnSn show that as a vector space H(LSn)0,Z/nZ or Z2. Here, LM is the free loop space of L.
  5. Show that if there exists a metric g for Sn which has no closed geodesics, that there exists a Hamiltonian H:SnR which has no non-constant orbits, and two constant orbits. Conclude that every metric on Sn has at least one closed geodesic.

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