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SympSnip: construction of the symplectic dehn twist
construction of the symplectic dehn twist
Fix the standard metric \(g\) on \(S^n\), and let \(B_r^*S^{n}\) be the radius \(r\) conormal ball of \(S^n\).
We first describe a symplectomorphism of \(B_r^*S^n\). Let \(\pi: B^*_rS^n\to S^n\) be projection to the base.
Consider the function
f: B_r^*S^{n}\to& \RR\\
(q, p) \mapsto& |p|_g^2.
The function \(f\) is a smooth map on \(B_r^*S^n\), and the Hamiltonian flow of \(f\) is the geodesic flow.
This is a smooth function on \(B^*_rS^n\setminus S^n\).
On the symplectic manifold \(B^*_rS^n\setminus S^n\) the time \(\pi\) flow of \(\sqrt{f}\) is the antipodal map on the \(S^n\) base ((Dehn twist as surgery)).
We take a smooth function \(\rho: \RR\to \RR\) with the property that \(\rho \circ f = f\) when \(f< \epsilon\), \(\rho\circ f=\sqrt f\) when \(f>r-\epsilon\), and \(\rho\) is increasing.
Let \(H= \rho \circ f: B^*_rS^n\to \RR\), and let \(\phi_H: B_r^*S^n\to B_r^*S^n\) be the time-one Hamiltonian isotopy of \(H\).
Finally, let \(-\id: S^n\to S^n\) the antipodal map, which extends to a symplectomorphism \(-\id: B_r^*S^n\to B_r^*S^n\).
Define \(-\phi_H:=-\id\circ \phi_H\).
Observe that the map \(-\phi_H: S^n\to S^n\) is a symplectomorphism of \(B_r^*{S^n}\), which acts by the identity in a neighborhood of \(\partial B_r^*S^{n}\).
It acts by the antipodal map on the zero section.