\def\CC{{\mathbb C}}
\def\RR{{\mathbb R}}
\def\NN{{\mathbb N}}
\def\ZZ{{\mathbb Z}}
\def\TT{{\mathbb T}}
We show one direction here, which is that \(\omega\left(\frac{d}{dt}\li_t,v\right)=dH_t(v)\) implies \(\Flux_{\li_t}\) vanishes in cohomology.
Let \(c:S^1\to L\) be any 1-cycle in \(L\).
Parameterize a 2-chain \(\li_t\circ c: S^1\times I \to X\) with coordinates \((\theta, t)\).
The flux class applied to \(c\) can be explicitly computed:
\Flux_{\li_t}(c)=&\int_{\li_t\circ c}\omega
=\int_{I \times S^1} (\li_t\circ c )^* \omega\\
=&\int_I \int_{S^1} c^*\circ (\li_t)^* \omega
=\int_I \int_{S^1} (c^* \iota_{\frac{d}{dt}\li_t}\omega ) dt\\
=&\int_I \left(\int_{S^1} (c^* dH_t) \right)dt
=\int_I \left(\int_{S^1} d(c^*H_t)\right) dt
By Stoke's theorem, the integral of an exact form over the circle is zero.
For the reverse direction, fix a base point \(x_0\in L\).
For every point \(x\in L\), pick a path \(\gamma_x: [0,1]\to L\) with \(\gamma_x(0)=x_0\) and \(\gamma_x(1)=x\).
Define the function \(H_t: L\to \RR\) by
\[dH_t(x_1):=\int_{\li_t\circ \gamma} \omega.\]
Because the flux of the isotopy is zero, this integral does not depend on the choices of paths \(\gamma_x\) and gives a well defined function on \(L\).
We now show that this function generates the Lagrangian isotopy.
The vector field \(\frac{d}{dt}\li_t\) is determined by the form \(\iota_{\frac{d}{dt}\li_t}\omega\).
Since \(\iota_{\frac{d}{dt}\li_t}\) is closed,
\int_{\gamma_x} \iota_{\frac{d}{dt}\li_t}\omega =&
\todo{We now check that this these two things match up by computing the vector field.}