SympSnip: symplectic Dehn twist

symplectic Dehn twist

Let Y be a symplectic manifold, and let SnY be a Lagrangian sphere. We now describe a symplectomorphism called symplectic Dehn twist: τSn:YY, described in [Sei03].

1: construction of the symplectic dehn twist

Fix the standard metric g on Sn, and let BrSn be the radius r conormal ball of Sn. We first describe a symplectomorphism of BrSn. Let π:BrSnSn be projection to the base. Consider the function f:BrSnR(q,p)|p|g2. The function f is a smooth map on BrSn, and the Hamiltonian flow of f is the geodesic flow. This is a smooth function on BrSnSn. On the symplectic manifold BrSnSn the time π flow of f is the antipodal map on the Sn base ((Dehn twist as surgery)). We take a smooth function ρ:RR with the property that ρf=f when f<ϵ, ρf=f when f>rϵ, and ρ is increasing. Let H=ρf:BrSnR, and let ϕH:BrSnBrSn be the time-one Hamiltonian isotopy of H. Finally, let id:SnSn the antipodal map, which extends to a symplectomorphism id:BrSnBrSn. Define ϕH:=idϕH. Observe that the map ϕH:SnSn is a symplectomorphism of BrSn, which acts by the identity in a neighborhood of BrSn. It acts by the antipodal map on the zero section.

definition 1.0.1

Given a Lagrangian sphere SnY, pick r small enough to identify a Weinstein neighborhood SnBrSnX. We define symplectic Dehn twist as the symplectomorphism: τSn(x):={xfor xBrSnϕH(x)for xBrSn
figure 1.0.2:Performing a Dehn twist on the zero section of TS1

theorem 1.0.3

Let X be a symplectic manifold, and SX a Lagrangian sphere, and LX another Lagrangian submanifold. There is an exact triangle in the Fukaya category CF(S,L)SLevτS(L)[1].
Here, CF(S,L)S is a twisted complex. Recall that (as a vector space) CF(S,L)=xSLΛx. The twisted complex CF(S,L)S is given by xSLSx, which is to say that formal direct sum of copies of S whose grading is determined by the intersection points x. The differential on a twisted complex is a collection of maps δxyECF(Sx,Sy). The morphism we take is δxyE=m1(x),yid. We now describe the map ev:CF(S,L)SL. Recall that a morphism of twisted complexes is a collection of maps. We must pick for each Sx a morphism in hom(Sx,L). Fortunately, there is a canonical choice (which is x itself).


[Sei03]Paul Seidel. A long exact sequence for symplectic Floer cohomology. Topology, 42:1003--1063, 2003.